Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Arannia - Currently

So, yes! Arannia, my current "most played" Paladin, as of a week ago. She started off in mostly blues and greens but already I've obtained some nice items, the best of which were Bind on Equip and rather expensive considering I didn't have any decent money grinding outlets, like dailies as Retribution, or Mining and such.

The Bind on Equip items she has are what I consider to be the Best in Slot pieces pre-raiding. (I haven't done ANY raiding as of yet. Well, one fail TotC25 PuG that I called off at Anub'arak, and I didn't obtain any gear from it.)

Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate enchanted with Powerful Stats and gemmed with three Brilliant King's Amber. (I have considered changing that enchant to Exceptional Mana or Greater Mana Restoration as these are what I deem to be the best enchants for geared Paladins, however, I am neither geared, and the extra 11 stamina (buffed) and minimal amount of armor just about tip Powerful Stats over.)

It's also mail. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Yeah. For all you non-Paladins out there who don't share my pain, most of the plate gear for holydins, especially in Ulduar and ICC, is complete junk. Complete. And utter. Junk. Haste and Mp5 items are king, and there are very few pieces of plate with these stats in the correct allocation. So Arannia is going to be sporting a lot of mail in the weeks to come. Drops permitting and fingers crossed, at least.

The other two pieces of Bind on Equip gear I've found for her, thankfully ARE plate, and very nice pieces at that.

Sunforged Bracers, Enchanted with Exceptional Intellect and gemmed with a Brilliant Dragon's Eye (Arannia here very recently just hit the level of jewelcrafting required to make these!)

Plate Girdle of Righteousness, with a Belt Buckle, gemmed with three Brilliant King's Ambers.

The rest of her BoP gear was mostly obtained from the new 5 man instances, or purchased with Emblem of Triumphs.

Her spec is currently indistinguishable from Sariella's PvE spec, Shock, Horror, and will probably stay like that depending on the requirements of my guild.

I am currently also building a Protection Off-spec, if only to make late night instance queues less long, and potentially to help out the guild in certain situations, though I doubt they'll ever require their soon-to-be-best-healer (Hurr) to respec to a tank spec they'll never be that comfortable with (I've tanked before. I was good at it, but... I just hated it. Didn't feel comfortable at all.).

Pieces of gear I intend to obtain within the next few weeks, gold permitting, are Earthsoul Boots, and Leggings of Woven Death. Puresteel Legplates are also an option as I am a miner and can farm the majority of the materials, however, the stat allocation (leaning more toward critical strike rating than haste) is not as good.

Thanks for reading! First ICC raid coming up tomorrow, more news about that then.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions can be posted here, or emailed to me if you prefer at

blonde and dangerous at live dot ie

For the Light!


  1. Both Earthsoul Boots and Puresteel Legplates are an excellent choice. They might not be cheap, but you won't replace them anytime soon, unless you get lucky with drops while beating ICC hardmode bosses, or from Ruby Sanctum-25 (Foreshadow Steps).

    As far as I know, there are no spellpower/haste/mp5 leggings in ICC and only one boots (Shuffling Shoes from Rotface-10).

  2. Thanks leskopet!

    Indeed, I agree with you, both items are great. Difficulty is, I am notoriously bad at grinding for gold (though I am considering this as a viable alternative)

  3. Fail. I meant http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=13517559363&sid=1 This! :P
