Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More ICC10, and Cleavage.

Since my initial ICC10 run with my previous guild, Assurance, I've now found myself in a position within the realms best raiding guild (Not mega awesome on a world scale or anything but it's just an RP realm, what do you expect?) . Only as a social, mind you, but I figured I'd get more raiding action there, than in a social raiding guild. I AM still raiding with Assurance, however, in their 10 man ICC, and since last time, we've cleared Dreamwalker (awesome fun fight), Blood Prince Council, and Blood Queen Lana'thel. No notable drops since Solace, though I did get some cleavage-mail, as shown below!


Chestguard of Siphoned Spirits is the item in question, gemmed with the usual (*3 +20 Intellect Gems) and enchanted with Powerful Stats. I THINK it's a moderate upgrade over my previous item, Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate, though the mp5 hit worries me and I'm not sure if the additional haste is worth it. (Arannia is currently sitting at 649 haste rating with her new chest.) If anyone could maybe gimme the thumbs up or some insight into why it's better/worse, I'd appriciate it, stat balancing was never my strong point, all I know is "STACK INTELLECT", and since the intellect upgrade is so minor... mmm.

That about wraps it up. Still trying to replace my goddamned Protective Barricade of the Light with Protector of Frigid Souls, and I'm begining to feel dirty running normal Pit of Saron over and over again despite the rest of my gear. Ergh.

Comments, suggestions, thoughts, troll-attempts and cash may be sent to

blonde and dangerous at live dot ie
Or, of course, posted in the comments section under this post.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I think Chestguard of Siphoned Spirits is one of the best chestpieces for Holy Light focused holy paladin in ICC-10 normal, if not the best. While the upgrade might seem modest, it's still an upgrade. Only a handul of chestpieces (with haste) outside of ICC-25 hardmodes are considered worthy upgrades to the chestguard, most notably Sanctified Lightsworn Tunic.

    Regarding haste: for Holy Light using holy paladin, it's the best throughput stat. Overall, only intellect trumps it. You wish to stack it up to at least 676* haste rating, but many paladins go even higher, breaching 900 mark (check Mercus' or Mirthe's stats).

    *At level 80, with 676 haste rating, Judgements od the Pure and full raid buffs, Flash of Light and global cooldown go down to one second duration. Beyond that point, only Holy Light profits from additonal haste.

  2. Oh, I'm aware of the haste "cap", this is why I stated my haste rating to begin with, to show that I am under"capped" with either chestplate. I am most likely going to stop at 676 haste rating as, while I understand crit, for example, isn't a great stat for us, I find it of some use for movement encounters, due to Infusion of Light procs, as well as adding to throughput in especially heavy spam environments. (I know it's unreliable, but a Holy Light crit when the tank hits 25% HP is sexy!)
