Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Arannia - Very Currently.

Hai! Just a brief update, I did an ICC10 sooner than I'd expected. I PuGGed it, infact!

I had originally joined a PuG, and spent a while waiting for people to come join us. Unfortunately, the raid leader turned out to be an asshole (Linked because naming and shaming is allowed here. \o/)

He AFKed just as the raid entered the instance, intending to slyly skip the Marrowgar trash. I cottoned on fairly quickly.

[R][80:Arannia]: Yeah, uh, guys? Raid leader is playing us for fools and expects us to clear the trash for him. I say we ditch his lazy ass and you all whisper me after quitting raid.

So, there I was, raid leading this random bunch. I did have to make a bit of a raid composition change, as we had ONE RANGED DPS. I facepalmed upon realization of this. We also had a Prot Paladin who seemed to completely forget the fact that Paladins have had Single-Target-10-Minute-Blessings since at MOST level 20.

Anyway, raid went well and I got myself some Corrupted Silverplate Leggings off of Marrowgar too! (Enchanted with Sapphire Spellthread and gemmed for Cheese.)

I've Gone and Made a Mess. (10 player) and Storming the Citadel (10 player) achieved!

1 comment:

  1. needs more mentions of the best guild evar

    and the best ret ever within that guild
