Sunday, June 13, 2010

My thoughts on the Press-released Cataclysm information.

This post is going to be a general kind of thing and not very related to Paladins, but I feel the need to QQ/Cheer! For those of you who have not been paying attention, here's some copy pasta for you, direct from MMO-Champion.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Path of the Titans is gone
The whole Path of the Titans idea has been removed from the game. It will no longer rely on Archeology or on any kind of PvE/PvP progression and instead Blizzard will just introduce a new type of glyphs: Medium Glyphs.

Medium Glyphs will add a "fun factor" to abilities, and it wouldn't be surprising to see something similar to the Fortification or Breakthrough glyphs first previewed during Blizzcon 2009. (But probably not these exact glyphs, a lot of stuff happened since last year)

Guild Talents are gone
The guild talents are gone and your guild now gets extra bonuses depending on its level. There are 25 levels and each level will automatically reward with more cool stuff. The leveling process remains unchanged and your guild will gain experience through PvP, Dungeon and Raid progression, questing, etc ...

Guild currency has also been removed and rewards will just be "unlocked" after you reach a specific level or complete a guild achievement. Once a reward is unlocked, members will be able to purchase it with gold. Some of the rewards include guild tabards, mounts, heirlooms, and it looks like you will finally be able to have a guild tabard on your mount. (Just like the Argent Tournament banners)

New members of a guild won't be able to buy everything directly, they will have to contribute to the progression of the guild before they can access the top rewards. Each time a player helps towards the leveling he will gain reputation with the guild, the best rewards will require players to be exalted with their guild before they can buy it.

Archeology will be less important
With the Path of the Titans gone, Archeology will become a "true" secondary profession and you won't really have to level it anymore. However it will still be used to let you get cosmetic/optional items, get more information on the game's lore, and ultimately it looks like we can expect rewards similar to fishing. (Nothing mandatory, but you'll be happy when you actually find something)

Information gathered from other sites:
  • You will find two types of items: Common Artifacts will give you more information on the lore of a race, and might be used in some kind of collection game. Rare items will give you usable items, most of them will be cosmetic but some of them will have actual effects. (Details on Wowhead)

Raids & Dungeons Split
Raid leaders will be able to split an ongoing 25-man raid into up to three 10-man raids. Those 10-man raids will be able to continue from that point on, with bosses already down.

So far it looks like it won't be possible to merge 10-man raids into 25-man raids, for obvious reasons.

Information gathered from other sites:
  • Raid IDs should be much more flexible. You will be able to join any raid as long as it doesn't have any bosses up that you have already killed. (Details on Wowhead)
  • There will be more Algalon-style encounters—ultra-hard optional bosses for hardcore players only. (Details on Wowhead)

Rated Battlegrounds
Rated battlegrounds will be available for pre-mades of 10, 15 and 25-player sizes. The amount of Conquest points rewarded will be capped so that players who enjoy both arenas and rated battlegrounds don't feel they have to prioritize one over the other.

Information gathered from other sites:
  • The classic Honor titles will be coming back and rewarded to the top teams each season. (Details on WoR)
  • The "Gladiator" equivalent teams will also receive epic ground mounts. Ground mounts because they want to reward something you can ride in the battleground and be proud of / show off. (Details on WoR)

Grim Batol Raid
The Grim Batol raid instance will be called the Bastion of Twilight, and you get to fight Cho'gall as the end boss! If you manage to defeat him in Heroic Mode, an "horrific secret will be revealed when he dies".

Information gathered from other sites:
  • This is an entry-level raid, just like Naxxramas in WotLK. (Details on Wowhead)
  • It will feature 5 bosses, and an Algalon-style optional and ultra-hard boss. (The "horrific" secret?) (Details on Wowhead)

Skywall Raid
As expected, Al'akir will be the end boss of the Skywall raid instance.

Information gathered from other sites:

Princess Therazane (yes, that's her) will be a questgiver in Deepholm, in a similar experience to the Sons of Hodir's questline in Storm Peaks.

Information gathered from other sites:
  • The Ogrim's Hammer has crashed in the zone and the Skybreaker is still in the air. One of the questline will require you to find out what happened. (Details on Wowhead)

Heroic Deadmines / Shadowfang Keep
Heroic versions of classic instances might not be ready for the release of Cataclysm and will be shipped in content patch instead.

Old world changes
There are a more details on old world changes, especially capital cities.

Information gathered from other sites:
  • Stormwind has been completely redesigned to accomodate flying mounts. The Park of Stormwind has been destroyed by Deathwing and the Dwarven District now hosts a Bank and an Auction House. (Details on Wowhead)
  • Orgrimmar has been redesigned as well: Garrosh is the new Warchief and is located in the center of Orgrimmar, not in the Valley of Wisdom. Goblins have their own area, the Valley of Wisdom becomes a Tauren district, and there is now a back gate leading directly into Azshara. (Details on Wowhead)

Miscellaneous Changes/Information
  • Wrath of the Lich King had 1000 Quests, Cataclysm has over 3000.
  • The current heirlooms will stop growing after level 80. There will be a whole new crop of heirlooms for Cataclysm. Goblins and Worgen will be able to start using heirlooms immediately at launch. (Details on Wowhead)
Alright. Let's start from the top...

Path of the Titans is GONE?! That sounded goddamned epic, and it's a real shame for it to have just disappeared like that. I suppose it depends just what exactly these medium glyphs will be though, but still, the whole Archaeology/PotT thing sounded like it was going to add some real interactive customization to the game, and not just "Hey! You've gained a level. Here's a talent point."

To me it sounds like they just got lazy and caved in under the weight of it all and how immense it is what they're trying to achieve in Cataclysm. Maybe we'll see PotT return in the next expansion, but for now, It's sad to have lost it.

The change regarding Archaeology though sounds quite nice, depending on just what exactly Archaeology will entail. If it's a grind-fest much like Fishing is now, I suspect a fair amount of people won't level it, but it sounds like they want the rewards to be more cosmetic, which sounds dynamite for RPers. Thanks, if so, Blizzard! Not exactly what we wanted but these little things are nice.

Guild Talents was nice, when I first heard it. It sounded like it would add some real customization around what your guild is based on, whether it be a PvP, PvE, RP, or just a social/levelling guild, but sadly it is now no more and by the sounds of it, all guilds will be recieving the same rewards depending on their level. I am glad new members wont be able to just leech off of these rewards, though, and will have to participate in the guild and earn those rewards themselves.

The Raiding changes sound great, except for the 25 man splitting into 10 man change, which I thought they were going to stop people doing. It's frustrating that they refuse to make two seperate paths for guilds, 25 man strict and 10 man strict. Instead, 25 man raiding teams will STILL have an advantage over 10 man raiding teams, simply because they earn loot faster via 10 mans. That's fine if they stick to 25 mans, but then going into 10 mans with all their shiny new loot? Bah, I say. Bah!

Rated Battlegrounds sound... completely, and utterly awesome. I haven't got much to say on the subject, but I can't wait to become Grand Marshall Arannia/High Warlord Sariella. :D

The changes regarding all the Raiding and Dungeon instances sound fine. It's disappointing that Heroic Shadowfang Keep and Heroic The Deadmines won't be available straight away but they haven't abandoned them (yet), which is exciting and I am somewhat thankful for.

I will be commenting on the Paladin related info (if there is any) if it's released shortly, and I look forward to them with anticipation.


  1. I think you may have misunderstood what the 25man->10man downgrade system entails. It is essentially stopping 25man progression for that rest of that save, and instead opting to do it from that point onwards in 10man. Your post seems to give the impression they do 25man, split up then down the same bosses that are already dead, which won't be happening.

    Cos y'know, they're dead.

  2. Ah no, my mistake. I get what you're saying now. But keep in mind that the top-tier PvE points will have a weekly cap on how much you can earn, so really, 25 man players only hit the cap sooner in a week than 10 man players.

  3. Oh, I'm aware of that. However, 25 mans will drop more loot per head than 10 mans, so allowing 25 raiders to access the same bosses on 10 man will allow them to progress faster than an equally skilled 10 man team simply because they have more gear. Which seems extremely lame,

  4. Yeah it is pretty lame, but it's far better than the system currently in place.
