Friday, June 4, 2010

New gear, ICC10 Raid, and Solace!


So, a few days have passed, and Arannia has progressed a little. Other than the legplates she recieved in my PuG, since, she has also obtained these Sister's Handshrouds, and her first piece of tier 10.1 in her guilds ICC10!

The gloves I'm not completely thrilled about. They were an upgrade over Tier 9 but they're still itemized terribly. Whilst Holy Paladins arguably gain the most usage from Hit rating, it's still not a very powerful stat for us at ALL. Thankfully it comes complete with Haste, which is delicious, but I can see it being replaced very quickly by even Crit+mp5 gloves of an equal ilevel, potentially, depending on the balance of Mp5 VS Crit.

Tier 10 Shoulders however I am extremely pleased by. They're not itemized great but they're 1 of 2 pieces I aim to get to obtain my 2 set bonus (which is ridiculously overpowered, by the way). I've already got the setbonus on Sariella so I'm skilled in the usage of it.

The raid itself did quite nicely and I felt I did extremely well in comparison to the rest of the group, easily fitting in nicely and fufilling my role as best I could. We progressed nicely and got as far as Professor Putricide with no wipes, and wiped only twice on PP before downing him, something I am both pleased and disappointed by, as I would have liked to learn that fight a bit better, but no doubt I'll recieve another opportunity next week!

The next part of ICC10 is schedueled for tomorrow - I do not intend to attend. I try to avoid raiding on weekends where possible, as I like to kick my feet up and relax, or even occasionally do some casual, easymode PuGs.

...speaking of which...

Solace of the Defeated. Oh yeah, it's mine. I did not make the same mistake as I did on Sariella this time! I DID lose the roll to a holy priest, but luckily for me the fool already had one stored in his bank! And as it was unique... went to me as the second highest roll. :-D

It's a sick trinket. Fully stacked it provides 128 Mp5 (and it's easy to stack. I combat-buff Greater Blessings on the most represented class if it drops off to get it back up ASAP) AND 150 spell power. These two buffs put together outweigh the intellect + equip bonus I would obtain from ALMOST any other trinket, but it'll likely be my best-in-slot in terms of what I'll likely be able to do by the end of Wrath, and it'll never, ever be replaced. I am using it alongside Talisman of Resurgance at the moment, another trinket I never intend to replace with anything else I'll be able to obtain.

That about wraps it up for now! Comments, suggestions, thoughts, troll-attempts and cash may be sent to

blonde and dangerous at live dot ie

Thanks for reading!

Bonus screenshot, by the way, since this post lacks in the visual department:

Gosh, I love my overpowered PC.


  1. Grats on Solace finally :D

    And that's an awesome screenshot - Icecrown, over the Cult of the Damned encapment on the north side?

  2. @Squishalot: Looks like Icecrown Citadel on the left and Malykriss: The Vile Hold in the center when flying north-westwards from Dalaran towards Icecrown. I think you still need to be in Crystalsong Forest to get sky coloration like that.

    Beautiful screenshot.

  3. Indeed leskopet. It was taken actually whilst I was still standing on the edge of Dalaran. Glad ya like it. :D
