Monday, May 31, 2010

Arannia and Sariella- A Brief History

I've decided to skip the intended RP posts as I believe RP is beyond the ultimate scope and intention of this blog. For anyone thoroughly interested in at least Sariella's RP, I'll redirect you here (but y'all come back now!).

I will be referencing a lot of RP IN this post but I won't be going into great detail about any of it, more just about how it influenced me today, and why it lead to the creation of Sariella, blah blah blah.

Instead, we're jumping ahead to cover my other other paladin. Arannia!

Arannia was the original Paladin, the brood mother if you will of my state of addiction and relative masochism for holy paladins. Originally I had absolutely no intention for her other than "play the fucking game and don't be like all these raiding losers".

First, I spent a great, great deal of my time in Goldshire. I actually miss these days. They were sheer bliss. Ignorance and such. Back when I could roleplay absolutely anything and no one (I also role played with) had a bad word to say about it. Of course, these people were the multiple bastard son's and daughters of Jaina/Sylvanas/Kael'thas's more sluttier, demon-fiddling days (You know. Those days.). And yes, I totally did just call Kael'thas a slut.

I eventually moved on from Goldshire and found a home with a guild called Sanctus Justicia. This lasted a fair long time, and I had room to develop from a demon-impregnated, half-angel (Yes, seriously) to a more realistic, more capable roleplayer. If still rubbish.

It was during my stay in Sanctus Justicia that I met my old friends Alashka and Karthan, who I've had about the best out-of-guild roleplaying (and OOC) fun with to this day. We all levelled together from the tender levels of 30 something to late 60 something. Karthan then mysteriously vanished, but Alashka and Arannia were to remain good friends for quite some time.

I also joined an AWESOME guild called The Scarlet Flame. These guys simply rocked the house. They had to be the best bunch of RPers this side of the Red/Blue divide on The Sha'tar, and will never be trumped for the things they did for it's members. I devote a lot of love to these guys, but sadly, Age of Conan killed us upon it's release, so we disbanded, more or less. :-(

Then, upon dinging level 70, I discovered the Shockadin. It was now I was starting to discover PvE and PvP, and whilst RP still took a primary amount of time of my WoW time, I adored my spec, and the play style. I took it for granted too, something I am extremely sorry for, today.

When Wrath hit, I was still very much in love with RP. So much so that I started considering branching out, looking at things across the border, at Horde. When the opportunity to roleplay a young trainee Blood Knight under her Master Soraya Dwin'urdrenn arose, I jumped at the opportunity. Sariella was born.

I'd intended to keep RPing on Arannia. I didn't. She was more or less abandoned as soon was I got her to 80 and decided to respec Retribution. (Ugh.)

Instead, I'd levelled Sariella. By the time she'd gotten to 80, she already had better gear than Arannia, so I'd decided Sariella was my new main. I started raiding almost as soon as possible, briefly before patch 3.1 hit, so I was somewhat into Naxxramas at that point when Ulduar landed. Then I got hardcore and stopped RPing for a bit. D'oh!

These days, Sariella is now in an RP guild, Dagger and Totem, and Arannia is now in a raiding guild! As of uh... yesterday. She'll probably be the character I primarily reference from now on in terms of PvE discussion,

As you can probably tell in the provided pic, her gear is pretty baseline, which I actually quite like for now. It gives me something to shoot for. First ICC on her coming on Wednesday, I'll be sure to post how it went here!

Thoughts, comments, suggestions can be posted here, or emailed to me if you prefer at

blonde and dangerous at live dot ie


What? Don't look at me like that.

EDIT: Oh. Congratulate me for [The Argent Champion] by the way. \o/

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